Sunday, May 5, 2013


Well, it's finally happened. I learned something so awful that I've lost all faith in humanity. Like, on a personal level I mean. I just learned that a girl that, for one reason or another, I couldn't get out of my mind, has married (best I can perceive) a redneck. I'm floored. I mean, don't get me wrong..I haven't seen this chick in like, 11 years..but still. It's just surprising for me. I always thought of her as a tier above most chicks, and for her to end up married to some redneck (with an amazingly redneck name. It's alliterative, for christ sakes. Like Ricky Ray. And of course this guy has to look like a troglodyte...I'm no looker or anything by any stretch of the imagination man. I'm actually quite hidious and ugly. But goddamn. This motherfucker is looks like a caveman. But I'm one fugly son-of-a-bitch, so who am I to judge, right?

I dunno, I just feel floored. Again, I haven't laid eyes on this girl for a long time..but for one reason or another I just couldn't get her out of my mind. Like, at different points my thoughts always went back to her for some reason. I didn't even really know her all that well or anyting, I never got the chance to know her or really be her friend or anything..but I had a few interactions with her and I just..well, she always stayed in my mind. There was just something about her that stood out as memorable to me, some quality she posessed that made her memorable to me in a way that most other people did not. I have no idea why.

I dunno, I just kinda hoped that whoever she ended up with..well..wasn't some redneck. I mean, I hope the best for them and hope she's nothing but happy and stuff..but geez, it's just such a let down. I feel...deflated. Let down. Bummed that life would end up being so mediocre to someone who, for some reason I can't fathom but I just feel in the bottoms of my soul, I just *know* deserves better. It's kinda disheartening actually. I feel let down enough by life in general, I surely didn't want something like this to happen.

My head's kinda spinning actually. I feel, I dunno, dazed. Stunned. Yeah, I think stunned is a good word for it. Wow. I mean, my life isn't all that good, who who the hell am I to judge anything. It's clear that there's some good things going on for her, so I should just shut my mouth and be quiet. Whatever weird shit's gone on in my mind is just that, weird shit coming out of my amazingly strange mind. So yeah, it's all on me, I'm the fucked up one, and I'll resume my sad, pathetic existence now.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Starbound is a new indie game coming out in the very near future! It's kinda like Terraria (or so I'm told)..but it's in space! Check some info out at and get excited about the prospect of going foward (in a bold like fashion) to places where no human has been to previously.

They're doing a Kickstarter like preorder thingy at complete with stretch goals. They just hit $1 million and haven't put another stretch goal up yet..but I'm sure one's coming.

This game looks like it's gonna be neat and I'm very excited about it, and you should be too! Get out your Visa or Mastercard or Paypal or Bitcoin or shiny rocks or whatever form of payment you choose to use and buy this thing. Or it'll just be sad. And no one wants to be sad (except emo kids)!

In other news: goodbye, April!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gravity is a Cruel and Harsh Mistress

Well! Today started off as a fairly productive day. I managed to wake up amazingly early, got in a little bit of online time surfing around in the early morning hours. Super early, like, when there's nothing but insurance commercials on TV and the sky's still a pinkish color. Surfed around online for a little bit, got to the post office and shipped some eBay items, went to my office and packaged some additional eBay items and made it back to the post office mere moments before they closed! Ha ha, score one for me! My little car didn't even have to break speeds, man. It was awesome.

The rest of the day was spent in various stages of busy. At one point, I manged to fall on/down some stairs..oof. Man, that hurt. Hips, wrist, hand, lower back, all amazingly sore. It hurts when I shuffle around, and I can only imagine it's gonna be fun trying to take a dump in a little while.

Ah well. I'm siting here trying to decide on what film I wanna watch. I'm really aching, and I can only imagine tomorrow's gonna be even worse. Geez. Ah well, things could be worse I suppose. If it's really bad, well, then I'll take advantage of my employer provided medical insurance and go to the doctor. Which I really don't wanna do. :( Times like this make me wish I had pain killers of some sort.

Speaking of poop, I'm gonna share my proof-of-concept for a Tshirt. In the spirit of the "Beef, it's what's for dinner" shirts comes "Poop: It's what was for dinner"
