Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Many forms of pie

I stopped at the store a few minutes ago and got a slice of their pizza. Like most gas stations, this form of pizza was not the most wonderful, but it served it's purpose of making me not quite as hungry as I was before. This got me thinking...I live in an area where no one delivers, you have to go pick it up..which makes getting pizza all the more of a pain in the ass. Thus, the pizza that you are going to end up ordering better be good, or it's seldom worth the effort. This got me thinking about the various pie establishments.

Pizza Hut: Ugh, Pizza Sucks. Greasy, loads of slighty nasty sauce, too much bred, but damn..they're everywhere. Truly a real life version of Pizza Dinosaur.

Dominoes: Since they changed their ingredients earlier this year, they've risen to a respectable ranking in my Pie-O-Meter. Not bad, still room for improvement.

Papa John's: My preferred take-out pie. Good bread, sauce, cheese, toppings, everything. A little pricey, but worth it in my taste bud's opinion.

Little Ceaser's: The lowest of the low. Not bad for $5 when it's hot..otherwise it sucks.

The only pizza I'd like try would be from Mona's Pizza, but I've heard they're a little crazy. Catchy jingle though.


  1. I completely agree with your ranking. Papa Johns is the best.

  2. Love those 5$ pizzas from little Cs

  3. Cant argue with the rankings though

  4. I agree too! Papa johns. But homemade beats all

  5. Nothing's best than homemade, gotta agree with this :)

  6. I prefer the cheap flat pizzas, the kind of stuff Dominos makes. I've got a place in town called 241 pizza, its owned by a local family. The pizza is greasy, flat, and cheap. Just the way I think pie should be :]

  7. Little Caesar's is legit..
    Surprised you think Pizza Hut is the worst..

  8. Make your own pizza its not too difficult and you can add whatever toppings you want!

  9. Papa John's does make a damn good pizza. Home-made still owns though.
