Saturday, April 27, 2013

Gravity is a Cruel and Harsh Mistress

Well! Today started off as a fairly productive day. I managed to wake up amazingly early, got in a little bit of online time surfing around in the early morning hours. Super early, like, when there's nothing but insurance commercials on TV and the sky's still a pinkish color. Surfed around online for a little bit, got to the post office and shipped some eBay items, went to my office and packaged some additional eBay items and made it back to the post office mere moments before they closed! Ha ha, score one for me! My little car didn't even have to break speeds, man. It was awesome.

The rest of the day was spent in various stages of busy. At one point, I manged to fall on/down some stairs..oof. Man, that hurt. Hips, wrist, hand, lower back, all amazingly sore. It hurts when I shuffle around, and I can only imagine it's gonna be fun trying to take a dump in a little while.

Ah well. I'm siting here trying to decide on what film I wanna watch. I'm really aching, and I can only imagine tomorrow's gonna be even worse. Geez. Ah well, things could be worse I suppose. If it's really bad, well, then I'll take advantage of my employer provided medical insurance and go to the doctor. Which I really don't wanna do. :( Times like this make me wish I had pain killers of some sort.

Speaking of poop, I'm gonna share my proof-of-concept for a Tshirt. In the spirit of the "Beef, it's what's for dinner" shirts comes "Poop: It's what was for dinner"


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