Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Geez, am I ever not just super busy? I got another side-job this afternoon and tomorrow afternoon (not related to my other side gig, doing some work with Verizon Wireless). A Windows Server 2003 machine and a problematic laptop that it appears the hard drive might have died. A huge bummer, for them at least. The day's not over (when it is ever?), I'm slightly hungry..Taco Bell was purchased for lunch but it was unusually-nasty today, so I opted out of that. Dinner might be some type of fried chicken (KFC? Maybe! They're way less nasty than they have been in the past) as I've got into a dietary rut and want something a little different. I should prolly stop eating all this fast food, but then I'd have to find time (and ability) to cook.

Fallout: New Vegas is out, and I might pick it up tonight for some gameplay over the weekend. Then again, I might wait and get it next week and pickup where I left off of Deep Space 9. Decisions, decisions!

In closing let me say that I <3 you and I want to hold your hand. XD

PS: Bill Murray's Ghostbuster-costume appearance at the Scream Awards over the weekend was fantastic. XD


  1. Bill Murray is a legend, loved his cameo role in Zombieland also!

  2. KFC is delicious. I like their doubledown. Also, Fallout? If you get it, make a review!

  3. hey man as long ur making money its all good

  4. I stopped eating fast food years ago, and now if I eat a fast food burger I actually get sick.

  5. ghostbasters costume hahahaha

  6. can't wait for a fallout 3 review!

  7. Sounds like you're getting some good stuff though! Awaiting more reviews :)

  8. being super busy for work is a good thing

  9. Dam I missed that, I'll have to look it up later.

  10. nice post man but i dont agree :D

  11. I like being busy...time flies at this rate =D

  12. aww don't keep eating fast food, you might get fat!
