Friday, October 22, 2010

Car wreck

I had a major car crash yesterday while on the Interstate. I went to the ER, and aside from being a little banged up I seem to be okay. My car is totaled, and I'm starting the process of getting the insurance claim filed and I guess I'm going to talk to an attorney in the next couple of days. I'm really sore and tired..but I haven't forgot about by beloved readers! I'll make my belated rounds shortly, but right now I'm trying to take care of all this insurance/legal/medical crap that's now on my plate. Ugh.


  1. Man that sounds awful, sorry you had to go through that. You really need to take some rest!

  2. Oh man! hope your alright! What happened?

  3. oh god i hope everything is alright?

  4. Shit dude, glad to hear you're okay. Too bad about the car...

  5. Damn, glad to see you are still around. Hope everything works out.

  6. I havent ever been in a car crash, i bet its scary though =/

  7. fuck man...really sorry..hope you feel better

  8. damn, that sucks. i was in a car accident when i was on my way to my highschool graduation because the woman in front of me stopped unexpectedly and for no reason. luckily there was no damage to either cars which was good because mine was only about a month old at the time.

  9. Dang, hope everything turns out all right for you man. Keep on living strong!
