Sunday, October 24, 2010

More car crash recovery

Still recovering from my car crash! Still really sore, still hurting in various places. Dealing with the medical insurance people (Blue Cross Blue Shield) for the ER trip and stuff, dealing with the auto insurance company (Geico) for the claim and the vehicle rental and stuff. Had to delay my side-job with Verizon Wireless until next's just all such a huge hassle. Things will be taken care of until then, but still. It just sucks, all these insurance companies suck. At least it's all being taken care of now, and that's all that matters.

Papa John's and KFC helps to feed the soul when you're laid up hurting and have no ride. Man, I do miss my car. But I'm glad I wasn't killed in the crash (which could have happened quite easily). Now I'm just taking it easy till I get my rental, taking Loretabs when the pain creeps up, and just kinda hanging out.

Moral of the story: Never get in a car crash. It sucks. Fun fact, when I was hit (from behind), I was hit so hard it knocked my right shoe off. Thanks for sticking with me all you guys, I should be back to normal in the next day or so.


  1. Glad you are doing alright. Hope the insurance stuff goes okay. :) I kind of want Papa Johns now too.

  2. knocked your shoe of!? whoa! get well soon

  3. ah man I hope you feel better! I've been in a couple crashes *not my fault* and I got seizures and memory loss thanks to the one >_<

  4. I'm a fan of para johns. Not so much KFC. Good pizza is hard to come by now a days.

  5. man at least you are still able to file a claim. Glad to hear it is starting to work out.

  6. great post, thank you for sharing

  7. that's tough. good luck man. nice blog, you got a new follower.

  8. man i hope you get better soon! good luck with the unsurance and what not

  9. Car crashes are the suck. good luck with getting better.

  10. That sucks, dude. It's crazy that your shoe got knocked off.

    And I freaking love Papa Johns.

  11. Sounds like a bad wreck. Glad you sound like you're recovering, and hope you do so fast!

  12. Been an accident before. It does in fact suck ass. I ended up breaking my collar bone and had a few other scratches. Shit shakes you up but at least your alright mate.

  13. >Papa John's and KFC helps to feed the soul when you're laid up hurting

    It helps feed the soul even when you're not laid up hurting.

  14. You should never get in a car again. Too dangerous. jk

    Hope you're doing better.

  15. Dang, I'm sorry man. That really sucks.

  16. The shoe thing is freaky.
    My father told me a story once of a man who got hit by a high speeding car on the side of a road.
    His cowboy boots stood, straight up at the exact point he was hit.

  17. O man I've been in my share of car wrecks.
    Cars that flipped, rolled, stuck trees and cars that I passed out behind the wheel on cruise control b/c of sleep deprivation.
    Not fun....D:

  18. Blue Cross Blue Shield...are they reliable?

  19. Hang in there bud. Maybe a couple double downs will help you get that shoe back on eh?

  20. knocked your shoe off your foot? damn thats a fuckin impact. u are lucky to be well and take advantage of everyone pampering u (if they are lol)

  21. that is the really cool story

  22. Don't worree bra, I'm waitin' for you; you got a new follower.
